The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 2, Chapter 19 Summary

  • The next day, Bono's taken to Salem to take a ship bound for Virginia.
  • Dr. Trefusis gets Mr. Gitney to let Octavian go, even if he only gets to sit on top of the carriage.
  • When they get out at Salem, Octavian can tell Mr. Gitney and Bono have been arguing.
  • Mr. Gitney asks Bono if he still won't tell what he's heard, but Bono says he doesn't know what Mr. Gitney means.
  • Mr. Gitney scowls and tells him to enjoy the South.
  • Octavian hugs Bono (Bono's shackled, so he can't respond), then Bono assures Octavian that the next time he sees him, Bono will have a new name.
  • Bono goes aboard the ship and faces the sun.