The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Part 3, Chapter 25 Summary

  • A letter, posted from Canaan and dated June 29, 1775, between two slave-catchers:
  • Davey, who helped catch Octavian, is writing to tell Lew—a friend and slave-catcher, who was also looking for Octavian—to stop looking for Octavian since he and Mr. Sharp found him.
  • Note: Davey's not a good speller, so his whole letter is full of mistakes, including a misspelling of Mr. Sharpe's name.
  • Davey points out that Octavian doesn't have any high airs around him now.
  • In fact, Octavian doesn't eat, move, or do anything—he just lies shackled on the floor, with his head in an iron mask.
  • Oh and by the way—Davey's also five pounds richer.