Ode on Melancholy Resources


The Victorian Web

This is a resource that focuses mainly on the Victorian period (1837-1901), but they also have pages on important pre-Victorians, like our man John Keats.

The British Library's Online Gallery

The British Library in London is one of the largest, most important collections in the world. Even if you can't visit in person, their website provides some useful information about the writers whose manuscripts are kept there, like ol' Keats.

Scarab Beetles

Want the scoop on scarab beetles? Look no further.

Cupid and Psyche

Shmoop's got your back.


We'll never let you down.


For everything you ever wanted to learn about this ancient poetic form, check out the poets.org website.


Creepy Keats

Not to weird you out or anything, but here's an animated version of Keats reading you the poem (hint: it's not actually Keats's voice).


"Ode on Melancholy" Out Loud

Listen to the poem with some handy text and images to enhance the experience.


Sleepy Keats

This simple sketch of the poet is housed at the British Library in London.

Keats's Grave

You can visit and pay your respects.


Charles Armitage Brown's The Life of John Keats

Charles Brown was one of John Keats's closest friends, and he wrote an early biography of Keats (it was completed twenty years after Keats's death). This website describes the biography and has some excerpts, or you can check a copy out of your local library for the whole thing.

Sidney Colvin's Bio of John

This is a link to the complete text of Sidney Colvin's 1917 biography of John Keats.

Excerpts from Some of John Keats's letters

John Keats wrote some sweet love letters to his fiancée, Fanny Brawne, as well as some regular, newsy letters to his friends and family. Click here to see excerpts from some of his letters.

Collection of John Keats's Letters

This is an edited collection of John Keats's letters, so if the excerpts aren't enough for you, you can check this book out of your library.

Movies & TV

Bright Star (2009)

This flick stars British actor Ben Whishaw as John Keats, and centers on the relationship between the poet and his main squeeze Fanny Brawne.