Odour of Chrysanthemums Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Odour of Chrysanthemums? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Identify the speaker in the following quote: "Well, what's a man to do? It's no sort of life for a man of my years, to sit at my own hearth like a stranger. And if I'm going to marry again it may as well be soon as late—what does it matter to anybody?"

Elizabeth's dad
Q. Identify the person who gave Elizabeth the following super helpful information about her husband's whereabouts: "No, mother, I've never seen him. Why? Has he come up an' gone past, to Old Brinsley? He hasn't, mother, 'cos I never saw him."

Q. Elizabeth says, "It is a scandalous thing as a man can't even come home to his dinner! If it's crozzled up to a cinder I don't see why I should care. Past his very door he goes to get to a public-house, and here I sit with his dinner waiting for him—." To whom is she referring?

Her father
Her oldest son from a previous marriage, Rudolf
Q. Identify the speaker: "I couldna say wheer he is—'e's non ower theer!"

Mr. Rigley
Mrs. Rigley
Walter's mother
Q. Upon hearing of Walter's accident, who lamented "Eh, Lizzie, whatever shall we do, whatever shall we do!"?

Elizabeth (she was talking to herself)
Elizabeth's mother-in-law
Mr. Rigley
Mrs. Rigley