Oedipus at Colonus Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #7

OEDIPUS. But those others have chosen—instead of him who begot them—the throne,

To wield the scepter and to be tyrant over the land.

But they will not gain this ally at all! (448-50)

He’s still feeling the pain over his sons. They have chosen the throne and the scepter, symbols of kingly power, over “him who begot them” aka, their dad. For him, this is the ultimate crime. He will never forgive them for it, no matter how hard they beg (which we see when he rejects Polyneices later on).

Quote #8

THESEUS. Nevertheless, even when I am not present, I know that

My name will guard you against suffering evil. (666-67)

Theseus is the king of Athens, and has promised to protect Oedipus. The symbolic power of being a king is such that Theseus can leave, and the fact that he has announced that Oedipus is under his protection will be enough to make the citizens of Athens protect him, standing in for their king. What loyal subjects they are. 

Quote #9

THESEUS. So, I tell you now what I said before—

Have someone bring the girls here as quickly as possible,

Unless you wish to be a resident alien of this land

By force, and not voluntarily. I am speaking to you

My mind as well as from my tongue! (932-36)

Theseus has to wield his power against Creon, who starts acting like a boss on someone else’s territory. The euphemism of making Creon “a resident alien of this land by force” basically means capturing and imprisoning him in Athens, not allowing him to go home.