The Old Man and the Sea The boy, or Manolin Quotes

"Who gave this to you?"

"Martin. The owner." "I must thank him."

"I thanked him already," the boy said. "You don’t need to thank him." "I’ll give him the belly meat of a big fish," the old man said. "Has he done this for us more than once?"

"I think so."

"I must give him something more than the belly meat then. He is very thoughtful for us." (1.99-1.105)

The old man is not too proud to accept help from others.

"How old was I when you first took me in a boat?"

"Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and he nearly tore the boat to pieces. Can you remember?"

"I can remember the tail slapping and banging and the thwart breaking and the noise of the clubbing. I can remember you throwing me into the bow where the wet coiled lines were and feeling the whole boat shiver and the noise of you clubbing him like chopping a tree down and the sweet blood smell all over me."

"Can you really remember that or did I just tell it to you?"

"I remember everything from when we first went together." (1.22-1.26)

The boy shares the old man’s good memory of the past.

"Now we fish together again."

"No. I am not lucky. I am not lucky anymore."

"The hell with luck," the boy said. "I’ll bring the luck with me." (5.35-5.37)

While at the beginning of the story, the old man and the boy allowed luck to separate them, the boy no longer cares about it.