On Being Brought from Africa to America Resources


On Being Brought to Life in Bronze

Here's a cool link to a website for Meredith Bergmann, an artist who made a bronze sculpture of Wheatley for Boston's Women Memorial.

Getting Personal with Phillis

Here's everything you ever wanted to know about Wheatley, plus a smattering of her poems.


Librivox Rocks

Here are some free recordings of the poems in Wheatley's first book.



Here's small painting of Phillis Wheatley looking all dolled up.

Phillis Wheatley Undercover

Here's a pic of the title page of Wheatley's groundbreaking book of poems. And no, it wasn't taken with Instagram—this book really is that vintage.

Articles and Interviews

All the Goods

Check out this short article covering Phillis Wheatley's life and career.

Heroic Essay

A short essay about Wheatley's use of heroic couplets.


This product contains 100% Wheatley

Here's a link to Phillis Wheatley's complete writings.