Love Quotes in On the Beach

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"She's been to the Minister, and he sent her to me with a note. She wants us to open the trout season early this year." (7.191)

Moira loves Dwight so much that she convinces the Prime Minister to open trout season early, since she knows that this will make Dwight happy. Seriously, Dwight—if you can't see that this girl's a keeper by now, then you need to get your eyes checked.

Quote #8

"I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along. I suppose half a loaf is better than no bread, when you're starving." (8.90)

In the end, this is why Moira never turns her back on Dwight, even after he makes it abundantly clear that nothing will happen between them. As she says elsewhere, she might have been able to bag him if she had enough time, but time is exactly what she lacks.

Quote #9

"I'll tell her that you turned what might have been a bad time for me into a good time. [...] I'll tell her that you've made it easy for me to stay faithful to her, and what it's cost you." (8.295)

For his part, Dwight isn't oblivious to Moira's feelings—he actually feels plenty toward her as well. But if there's one thing we know about the smooth Mr. Towers, it's that he always follows the rules, no matter what. In fact, we'd even argue that if Moira had convinced him to get jiggy with her, he would have become a different man from the one she fell in love with.