One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

Who am I?
My name is Ned.
I do not like
my little bed. (83-86)

Wow, Ned, don't sugarcoat it on our account or anything. We jest, we jest. This is only our first introduction to Ned the Bed-Hater, and he's already haranguing us about how uncomfortable it is, and how his feet and head stick out. If you met Ned, would you think that he was a glass half-full or half-empty sort of fellow? We're betting on the latter.

Quote #2

I do not like
this bed at all.
A lot of things
have come to call.
A cow, a dog, a cat, a mouse.
Oh! what a bed! Oh! what a house! (112-117)

At last! Ned has a captive (or at least captured) audience for all his complaints—whoever it is that has called him on the phone. As he harrumphs and grumps about, he finds even more things that add to his dissatisfaction, such as the various animals that have come to call on him. Rather than enjoying his visitors, he finds them annoying and imposing.

Quote #3

This is not good
and I know why…
A mouse has cut the wire.
Good-by! (283-286)

The "Good-by!" here is a send-off to the reader as well. From here on out, we don't hear from Ned about his bed, or all the other pests that are bothering him, and thank goodness. We were getting plumb tired of all that yammering. It's as though he's allowed his dissatisfaction to mount to the point where he cannot take it any longer. To Ned, there are far too many bad things going on in his life, and he would rather stew in it then find the positive. So, "Good-by!" Ned. We hope you find your way out from under that dark rain cloud that's following you around.