Our Town Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

Whistling and singing, like he’s glad to leave us. – Every now and then he says "I do" to the mirror, but it don’t sound convincing to me. (II.68)

George is excited but nervous before his wedding.

Quote #8

And how do you think I felt! – Frank, weddings are perfectly awful things. Farces, that’s what they are! (II.73)

Weddings don’t capture the true level of commitment and sanctity that the couple feels.

Quote #9

You know how it is: you’re twenty-one or twenty-two and you make some decisions; then whisssh! you’re seventy: you’ve been a lawyer for fifty years, and that white-haired lady at your side has eaten over fifty thousand meals with you. (II.170)

The Stage Manager points out that time flies like an arrow.