A Prayer for Owen Meany Mortality Quotes

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Quote #10

There was only the briefest moment, when Owen looked stricken—something deeper and darker than pain crossed over his face, and he said to the nun who held him: "I'M AWFULLY COLD, SISTER—CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?" Then whatever had troubled him passed over him completely, and he smiled again—he looked at us all with his old, infuriating smile.

Then he looked only at me. "YOU'RE GETTING SMALLER, BUT I CAN STILL SEE YOU!" said Owen Meany.

Then he left us; he was gone. I could tell by his almost cheerful expression that he was at least as high as the palm trees. (9.577-579)

It's amazing to see Owen go through so many different emotions at the scene of his death. He displays deep terror one moment, and then deep serenity the next. It's also touching how he focuses on his best friend, John, during his last moments rather than on himself.