The Canterbury Tales: The Pardoner's Tale Lines 343 – 374 Summary

  • Now I'll say a word or two about false and excessive oaths, as the old books treat them.
  • Excessive oath swearing is a terrible thing, and false swearing even worse.
  • God forbade any swearing at all, or so it says in Matthew.
  • The holy Jeremiah deals especially seriously with swearing, saying "You shall say your oaths truly and not lie, but swear discreetly and in righteousness."
  • Idle swearing is a terrible evil. In the Ten Commandments, the second one is "You shall not take my name idly or wrongly."
  • That commandment comes before murder or other sins. I assure you that this is the order in which God meant to write them.
  • You can count on it that if you swear falsely, you'll get what's coming to you.
  • "By God's heart," and "by His nails," and "By the blood of Christ now in Heaven, seven is the number I want, and yours is five and three!"
  • "By God's arms, if you cheat, I will plunge my dagger in your heart!"
  • Here's what comes from playing dice: perjury, anger, cheating, and murder.
  • Now, for the love of Christ who died for us, leave off your oath swearing both great and small.
  • But now I'm done. I'll get back to my story.