The Canterbury Tales: The Pardoner's Tale Lines 660 – 682 Summary

  • "No, no,' says the Host, "That would be Christ's curse!
  • Give me a break! You'd make me kiss your old pants and swear they were a saintly relic, even if they were smeared with stains from your butt.
  • By the cross Saint Helen found, I'd rather have your balls in my hand than relics in a reliquary.
  • Let's cut them off. I'll help you carry them. We'll enshrine them in a hog's turd."
  • The Pardoner is so angry he's speechless for once.
  • "Now," says the Host, "I refuse to deal with you or any other angry man, any longer."
  • But when the Knight sees how everyone laughs, he steps up.
  • That's enough," he says, "No more of this carrying on.
  • Sir Pardoner, be happy and cheerful. And you, Sir Host, kiss the Pardoner.
  • And Pardoner, come back and let's enjoy ourselves like we did before."
  • So the two kiss, and ride off on their way.