A Perfect Day for Bananafish Sybil Carpenter Quotes

Sybil Carpenter

Quote 1

"See more glass," said Sybil Carpenter, who was staying at the hotel with her mother. "Did you see more glass?"

"Pussycat, stop saying that. It's driving Mommy absolutely crazy. Hold still, please." (2.1-2)

Notice that a child identifies this key insight about Seymour, while her mother, an adult, misses it completely.

Sybil Carpenter

Quote 2

"See more glass," said Sybil Carpenter, who was staying at the hotel with her mother. "Did you see more glass?"

"Pussycat, stop saying that. It's driving Mommy absolutely crazy. Hold still, please." (2.1-2)

Important spiritual insights are often taken for nonsense or gibberish in this story.

Sybil Carpenter

Quote 3

"My daddy's coming tomorrow on a nairiplane," Sybil said, kicking sand.

[…] "Well, it's about time he got here, your daddy. I've been expecting him hourly. Hourly." (2.17-18)

Seymour's nonsensical conversation has a place with Sybil – this is a perfectly acceptable, playful way to talk to children.