Marina Timeline and Summary


Marina Timeline and Summary

  • 3.Prologue: Marina is conceived on her parents' wedding night. (Shakespeare really wants you to know this.)
  • 3.1: Marina is born on a ship in the middle of an ocean during a raging tempest.
  • 3.1: Marina loses her mother when everyone thinks Thaisa has died giving birth. Thaisa's body is thrown into the ocean.
  • 3.3: Marina's dad dumps her off in Tharsus so that Cleon and Dionyza can raise her (they owe him a favor). She's there for about 14 years until...
  • 4.1: Dionyza tries to have Marina murdered by Leonine, but Marina is kidnapped by pirates before it can happen.
  • 4.2: The pirates sell Marina to a brothel in Meteline.
  • 4.6: Marina manages to keep her V-card. She ruins the brothel's business and convinces Boult to let her go to work in an "honest house." Oh, yeah, she convinces a guy named Lysimachus to stop seeing prostitutes.
  • 5.1: When Pericles shows up in Meteline, Marina is reunited with her dad, who thought she was dead.
  • 5.2: Marina gets engaged to Lysimachus when her dad gives the guy permission to marry her.
  • 5.3: Marina goes to Ephesus, where she's reunited with her mom.