Pericles, Prince of Tyre Tone

Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful?


We know what you're probably thinking. How can a play that features an incestuous father, a murderous king, a treacherous foster mother, devastating famine, and terrible storms that rip families apart be "hopeful"? Pericles is separated from his wife and child for over fourteen years, for Pete's sake.

It's true that there's a ton of tragedy and suffering in Pericles, but in the end, this play is full of hope. It seems like Shakespeare is telling us that even though life can be tough, and even though the world can be a dangerous place, we have to have faith that sorrow and grief can give way to joy.

That's the whole point of reuniting Pericles's family after over fourteen years of separation. It's all about having hope and believing that what's been lost can be recovered, especially when it comes to families. In other words, Pericles is pretty much the Finding Nemo of Shakespearean drama.