Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Patrick said that Brad was pretending to be a lot more stoned than he really was. (2.1.14)

Brad, who is having a difficult time coming to terms with his homosexuality, uses drugs and alcohol as an excuse for his behavior. You know things are bad when you're willing to admit to drug use instead of just coming out of the closet.

Quote #2

Maybe my whole family has been high, and we just don't tell each other these things. (2.12.44)

Pot is on the brain, it seems. Drugs are everywhere in Charlie's life, so much that he thinks his family might be in on it, too.

Quote #3

My aunt Helen drank a lot. My aunt Helen took drugs a lot. My aunt Helen had many problems with men and boys. (2.13.9)

Aunt Helen turned to drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity to deal with problems that haunted her for years. We'll let you figure out how that turned out.