The Perks of Being a Wallflower Questions

  1. Okay, we'll ask: what exactly are the perks of being a wallflower?
  2. Is Charlie a static character—one who stays basically the same—or a dynamic character—one who changes throughout the course of the novel?
  3. Does not knowing the character's real names affect your attachment to them?
  4. What kind of role model is Bill to Charlie?
  5. Charlie's sister says that Sam and Mary Elizabeth have low self-esteem. Do you agree with her? What do you think about Charlie's sister's self-esteem? Does anyone in the book feel good about themselves?
  6. What activities does Charlie participate in, and what does he merely observe?
  7. Charlie considers the reader a friend, simply because he or she listens to what Charlie has to say. Do you consider yourself Charlie's friend by the end of the novel? Why or why not?
  8. There are so many books, songs, and movies referenced in this book. What do they mean to the characters? How do they affect the way you read the book?
  9. Does Charlie write more frequently when he's happy or when he's stressed? Why?
  10. What do you think Charlie will do after high school?
  11. You've got 30 minutes a side to your blank cassette tape. What songs would you put on it to make a mix tape for your best friend? Your significant other?