The Phantom Tollbooth Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"And remember, also," added the Princess of Sweet Rhyme, "that many places you would like to see are just off the map and many things you want to know are just out of sight or a little beyond your reach. But someday you'll reach them all, for what you learn today, for no reason at all, will help you discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow." (18.66)

The Princess of Sweet Rhyme offers Milo excellent advice that he can take with him for any and all future journeys. She says that he will develop skills and talents that will help him travel wherever he wants to go, even if it means going "off the map," like a true explorer. He's building the skills that will enable him to "discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow." Even if he doesn't see the sense of what he's working on learning in the moment, he just needs to trust that whatever it is will help him, later on down the road. It's a leap of faith.