The Pigman Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter)

Quote #7

"Johnny wants a sip of beer," Bore used to say in the old days. He got a big kick out of it when I was about ten years old, and I'd go around emptying all the beer glasses lying around the house.
"That kid's going to be a real drinker," he'd say in front of company, and then I'd go through my beer-drinking performance for everybody, and they'd laugh their heads off. (9)

Well, no wonder John grew up into a drinker.

Quote #8

[John:] Dennis came over first around seven thirty because I told him to steal a bottle of 80 proofer out of his father's whiskey cabinet. His father's a building inspector, and everybody who doesn't want to be inspected too much slips him a bottle and a few bucks each month. Dennis also brought some soda mixers and two dozen glasses he got from his mother by telling her I was having a birthday party and they were needed for the lemonade. (13)

Again, we see the world of adults as corrupt, dishonest, and clueless. Dennis's mother, earlier described by John as "retarded" (3), is probably the only parent in the novel who would believe Dennis needs soda mixers and two dozen glasses for the lemonade at a birthday party.

Quote #9

[Lorraine:] "Not one cent for tribute!" John suddenly mumbled, leaning forward, laughing, and then falling back unable to hold his head up. He was hopelessly drunk, and I slammed the door of the patrol car. (14)

By getting so drunk that he passes out, John demonstrates his irresponsibility and drinking problem. What does "not one cent for tribute" mean, anyway? Basically, it means, "no, we won't pay a bribe," and is probably something John studied in American History.