Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The frog that the giant water bug sucked had, presumably, a rush of pure feeling for about a second, before its brain turned to broth. I, however, have been sapped by various strong feelings about the incident almost daily for several years. (10.61)

Sometimes the witnesses of suffering carry forward the suffering they witness. Images of another being's pain are difficult things to carry inside your head.

Quote #5

Our excessive emotions are so patently painful and harmful to us as a species that I can hardly believe that they evolved. (10.63)

In order to suffer—at least emotionally—we have to know what suffering is. For example, worrying about something can be worse than the thing you're worrying about.

Quote #6

Just a glimpse, Moses; a cliff in the rock here, a mountain-top there, and the rest is denial and longing. (11.69)

Dillard refers here to the story of Moses begging for a glimpse of God, but God says Moses can't handle seeing his face. As a consolation prize, he offers Moses a glimpse of his back, which is sort of like giving you an Oreo and only letting you eat the cookie part.