Prince Caspian Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We must," said Peter. "Cheer up, Susan. It's no good behaving like kids now that we are back in Narnia. You're a Queen here. And anyway no one could go to sleep with a mystery like this on their minds." (2.56)

The "You're a Queen here" line has a major undertone of chivalry to it. Susan, as a queen, has certain standards set upon how she should act based on her class and status. Why a queen should have to enter the treasure chamber of a ruined castle in the middle of the night is beyond us, though. Don't they know what kinds of beasties tend to lurk in such places?

Quote #2

"Are you going to tell me what you wouldn't tell me the other day?" said Caspian.

"I am," said the Doctor. "But remember. You and I must never talk about these things except here—on the very top of the Great Tower." (4.50-51)

This scene really captures Caspian's existence as both an Old Narnian and New Narnian. But despite existing in both worlds, the doctor's lessons provide Caspian with a code of conduct based in Old Narnia chivalry (as we'll see later on).

Quote #3

[Caspian] also began to see that Narnia was an unhappy country. The taxes were high and the laws were stern and Miraz was a cruel man. (5.2)

Miraz is definitely lacking in the chivalry department. As the villain most villainous, he doesn't care for others, and that makes him a jerk, not a knight.