Prince Caspian Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Chapters 4-7 of Prince Caspian consist of Caspian's story as told by Trumpkin. Why do you think such a large portion of the story is a memory or flashback? What purpose does it serve the novel thematically?
  2. Do you see any significance in the fact that Trumpkin, not Caspian, is telling the story? Why or why not?
  3. What purpose do you see the four Pevensie children playing in the novel? By which we mean, couldn't Prince Caspian have been written without their return to Narnia? Why do you think Lewis felt the need to bring these characters back?
  4. Alternative Universe Question: how do you imagine Prince Caspian would have been different had the Pevensie children been absent from the civil war? Don't forget to consider themes as well as plot points when answering this one.
  5. There's been a lot of hullabaloo about gender in The Chronicles of Narnia. Philip Pullman has argued that the Narnia books are "monumentally disparaging of girls and women" (source). On the other hand, Karin Fry argues that Lewis's female characters challenge "traditional roles of women" (source). So, our question is: what do you think? Do you find yourself siding with Pullman, Fry, or something in between? (Psst: you can answer this question while considering just Prince Caspian or the Narnia books as a whole; your call.)
  6. Why do you think it's Peter, not Caspian, who fights Miraz in the story's climax? Again, don't just focus on plot. Remember to give some thought to those pesky themes.
  7. Considering that this is a tale about war and death, Lewis's tone can seem a bit… odd. Why do you think Lewis chose the tone and style he did?
  8. Pick something shared by both The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian. It could be a character, a place, or an object. Your choice. How is this thing similar, and how is it different in the two novels? What do these similarities or differences suggest to you about the thing's purpose in both novels? How about the themes of each?
  9. If you didn't read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe first, then answer this question: um… why not?
  10. After finishing Prince Caspian, pop some popcorn, grab some candy, pour some soda, and enjoy the film. Don't get too stuffed on sweets though because there's thinking to do. Do you think the novel and the film have the same themes or a totally different set of themes? Pick specific examples from both to support your answer.