The Prince Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Another advantage is that the new territory won't be plundered by your officials. Its subjects will be happy that they can appeal to a ruler who is living among them. So, if they're intending to be obedient, they'll have one more reason to love you, and if they're not, all the more reason to fear you. (3.5)

As Machiavelli will tell us time and time again, it's always best to take things into your own hands. You really don't want to delegate.

Quote #2

A new ruler who reckons he must ward off enemies and woo friends, overcome obstacles by force or fraud, have himself loved and feared by his people, followed and respected by his soldiers, who must eliminate enemies likely or certain to attack him, reform old institutions, show himself both severe and gracious, generous and spontaneous, break up a disloyal army and build a new one, keep the friendship of kings and princes so that they support him with deference, or at least think twice before harming him, will find no better recent example to study than the policies of Cesare Borgia. (7.14)

Whoo wee! If this is what it takes to be a politician, then count us out. We're exhausted just reading it.

Quote #3

Because it's fear or hatred that makes men attack each other. (7.15)

If fear or hatred makes people attack each other, then why is Machiavelli advocating that rulers inspire fear in their people? Does he really think so little of "the people"?