Family Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Helen, the boy is overweight. All I suggested was he might leave a few potatoes for the rest of the world and stuff on this lovely prime pot roast your treasure has whipped up for my triumphant return." (I.248)

William Goldman is a pretty sarcastic dude, especially when it comes to his son's weight. The sad truth is that Goldman is ashamed by how fat his son is, and he's not afraid to show it, which we imagine can't be very good for little Jason's self-esteem.

Quote #2

The Duchess took her mixture faithfully, watching through the years as her husband and her mother blew kisses at each other behind her back. (1.4)

Family love can be a good thing, but not when your husband is flirting with your mother. And this is exactly what happens to the poor Duchess, a woman who was once considered the most beautiful in the world.

Quote #3

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father; prepare to die." (8.107)

Ah yes, where would this book be without the sweet revenge fantasies of Inigo Montoya? It's pretty straightforward, as you can tell from what he says here. A man has killed Inigo's father; now that man has to die. 1 + 1 = 2, yo.