Prometheus and Pandora Photos

    Prometheus and Pandora Photos

      Prometheus Hates Birds
      You would, too, if they came and pecked out your liver everyday. [Prometheus Bound by Nicolas-Sébastien Adam, 1762]

      Did you really have to get so graphic, Mr. Painter? [Prometheus Bound by Jacob Jordaens, ca. 1640]

      Pandora's Box
      DON'T OPEN IT! Please… [Pandora by Jules Joseph Lefebvre, 1882]

      Pretty Please?
      This isn't going to end well. [<em>Pandora </em>by John William Waterhouse, 1896]

      Thanks a Lot
      Told you so. [Pandora by Arthur Rackham, late 19th - early 20th century]