Prometheus and Pandora Resources


Why do you think this streaming music site took its name from Pandora?

Movies and Videogames

Pandora is Everywhere

We couldn't pick just one. Check out all the movies that get their names from our leading lady.

Our Main Man in 3-D

Prometheus has his share of movie namesakes, too, but we're big fans of this 2012 sci-fi adventure.

God of War

Both Prometheus and Pandora get shout-outs in the God of War series.


Disney-fied Prometheus

Check out Prometheus when he shows up in an episode of Disney's cartoon series Hercules.

Prometheus Bound in Stop-Motion

Man, they will animate anything. This version of the Aeschylus play is pretty trippy.


Lord Byron

Prometheus was a poetic muse, apparently. Listen to this reading of "Prometheus," a poem by Lord Byron, and tell us: does it follow the story?