Psycho Cast

Psycho Cast

Meet the Cast

Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins)

Who Is Norman?"Who is Norman?" is a tricky question to answer because Norman Bates' personality is split in two. He has an alter ego. He's like Clark Kent/Superman. Except instead of a mild mannere...

Marion Crane (Janet Leigh)

Like Norman, our gal Marion seems to be split between the Dark Side and the Light Side of the Force. She's a good girl gone bad. She's a bad girl with a heart of gold. Like the color palette of Psy...

Lila Crane (Vera Miles)

Not MarionThere's not a whole lot to Lila… except that she's not Marion. (In Psycho, being "not Marion" is a good thing.)Marion's an interesting character. She's got depths. She seems professiona...

Detective Arbogast (Martin Balsam)

Our Hero, ArbogastMilton Arbogast is less a character than a way to fake-out the audience for the second time.Detective Arbogast is a private investigator hired by Cassidy and/or Lowery (it's never...

Dr. Fred Richman (Simon Oakland)

Richman is the psychiatrist who explains the twisted inner workings of Norman Bates' mind at the end of the film. He's the voice of reason; he explains the seemingly random and perverse events of t...

Sam Loomis (John Gavin)

For a main character, Sam Loomis is surprisingly… absent. He just isn't given a whole lot to do onscreen.But Sam's the trigger for the plot; he's in debt in part because of his ex-wife, and as a...

Minor Characters

California Charlie (John Anderson)The chipper used car dealer is all hearty enthusiasm, which of course only freaks Marion out more. His sunny, above-board extroversion contrasts sharply with Norma...