Punkzilla Chapter 12 Summary

March 8, 2008

  • Jamie's writing to P from a picnic table outside the Lakeside Motel, which is somewhere near Buffalo, Wyoming. Braces guy and leaky-eye lady dropped him off.
  • He didn't have the forty-two bucks for a room, so he hung out in the lobby talking to Erin, the girl behind the desk; her parents own the place.
  • Even though he went into the bathroom and washed himself up a bit, she told him he smelled like a homeless person. The fact that he was just hanging around added to the aura (of homelessness, not B.O.).
  • When Erin went to restock the candy machine, a guy came into the lobby to pay his bill. The guy, whose name was (is) Lewis, ended up giving Jamie a cigarette.
  • Lewis seemed gay, but was blowing smoke rings and being all macho, so Jamie was confused.
  • After asking Lewis if he was a pervert, being assured he wasn't, and deciding Lewis seemed pretty safe, Jamie went back to his room, where Lewis had been living for six months.
  • Lewis fed Jamie a couple of Salisbury steak television dinners (trust us, if you don't know what that is, you don't want to) and finally told Jamie he was trans and had had top surgery.
  • Consider Jamie's mind completely blown. Jamie proceeded to ask lots of inappropriate questions that contained the word titties.
  • After receiving a Trans 101 lesson, Jamie told Lewis about his gay brother. When he got to the part about how P was dying, he broke down sobbing and started punching himself in the face.
  • Fortunately, Lewis's pot dealer showed up about that time, and Lewis smoked Jamie up. Then he said Jamie could use his phone to give P a call.
  • Jamie closes the letter by telling P he's going to call later. After all, if Jamie were dying, he'd want P to call him.