Punkzilla Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I can still feel the effects of the meth that me and this kid Branson did last night. It was my first time trying it and it made everything taste aluminum so I didn't feel like eating anything and now I'm totally f***ing starving but I already said that right? (1.9)

Amphetamines dull your appetite, so Jamie's hungry after a night on the Greyhound. We learn from the first page of Punkzilla that our narrator is in a mentally, physically, financially unstable place.

Quote #2

I think something's wrong with my hormones P. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm missing a gland. Maybe all that homegrown I smoked back in Cincinnati has permanently damaged me? That's what I get for smoking weed right? (1.17)

Jamie's only kind of joking. Marijuana may not obliterate your glands, but something has to be responsible for the fact that puberty hasn't happened to him yet.

Quote #3

He was huffing glue out of a brown paper bag and trying to call this junior-high girl called Easy Elise on a cell phone he'd just stolen. (5.86)

Jamie sees right away that Branson does drugs and steals, but after being tormented at Buckner, any kind of companionship looks good.