Rainbows End Chapter 9 Summary

Carrot Greens

  • Hey, remember those spies who were worried about mind control technology? We haven't heard from them in a while. What are they up to?
  • Alfred is trying to keep his plans secret from Günberk and Keiko. So they're all going along with Plan Rabbit, while Alfred is secretly planning to mess up Plan Rabbit by planting fake evidence, so he can rescue his operation.
  • That's when Rabbit shows up at Alfred's secret office, which makes Rabbit seem a little more dangerous to Alfred than he thought. After all, Rabbit has figured out that they aren't South American drug lords, but the intelligence agencies of the EU, India, and Japan. Whoops.
  • Rabbit and Alfred talk about their plans. Rabbit has special interest in Robert Gu because he's interested in Colonel Alice Gong Gu, who is one of the most skilled people at… whatever it is she does.
  • Alice is preparing to audit the UC San Diego lab where Alfred is making his mind control super-weapon, which could be very bad for Alfred. Unless he can somehow take control of her…
  • So Rabbit is going to talk to Robert through a middleman who doesn't know he's being used, a graduate student named Sharif. (Confused yet? It may help to draw a map of everyone's relationship.)
  • Also: after Rabbit disappears, the leafy green top of the carrot he left stays around for three days. Which is a not-so-subtle message to Alfred that Rabbit might be more powerful than Alfred expected.