Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: an Introduction Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Just this one other thing. What is it I want (italics all mine) from a physical description of him? More, what do I want it to do? I want it to get to the magazine, yes; I want to publish it. But that isn't it - I always want to publish. It has more to do with the way I want to submit it to the magazine. In fact, it has everything to do with that. I think I know. I know very well I know. I want it to get down there without my using either stamps or a Manila envelope. if it's a true description, I should be able to just give it train fare, and maybe pack a sandwich for it and a little something hot in a thermos, and that's all. The other passengers in the car must move slightly away from it, as though it were a trifle high. ("Seymour" 1.3)

Does anyone else get the impression that what's really making Buddy happy is all this writing? He obviously takes real pleasure in toying with words and crafting this description of Seymour.

Quote #11

A place has been prepared for each of us in his own mind. Until a minute ago, I'd seen mine four times during my life. This is the fifth time. I'm going to stretch out on the floor for a half hour or so. I beg you to excuse me. ("Seymour" 8.10)

What triggered this epiphany on Buddy's part? How would you characterize his emotion here?