Ready Player One Chapter 17 Quotes

Ready Player One Chapter 17 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

I'd never had such a powerful, immediate connection with another human being before. Not even with Aech. (17.163)

Boy, by the time Art3mis comes along, Wade seems to have forgotten the "immediate" connection he said he felt with Aech back in chapter 3. What happened to the bro code?

My obsession with finding Halliday's Easter egg was gradually being supplanted by my obsession with Art3mis. (17.185)

Wade perseveres when it comes to relationships, too. Even though Art3mis doesn't want to team up with him, doesn't want to be his girlfriend, and sometimes doesn't want anything to do with him period, Wade doesn't give up. And he gets the girl in the end.

I'd stopped attending classes altogether when I fled the stacks. (17.165)

Dropping out of school to pursue your dreams—commitment or craziness? Shmoop amongst yourselves.