Ready Player One Chapter 19 Quotes

Ready Player One Chapter 19 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

For the first time in my life I had a flat stomach, and muscles. I also had twice the energy, and I got sick a lot less frequently. (19.41)

Wade is unconsciously transforming his physical appearance to more closely match that of Parzival, his avatar, further illustrating the blurring lines between reality and virtual reality. Except we think Parzival actually has hair…

The hour or so after I woke up was my least favorite part of each day, because I spent it in the real world. (19.35)

Okay, we get it. Wade hates the real world. Maybe if he hung up a poster or something, his spartan apartment wouldn't be such a miserable place. But really: is virtual reality a good way to handle one's dissatisfaction with their lot in life? Sure, he may be wearing a haptic suit, but isn't he still actually sitting in a trailer park?

No outside light ever penetrated my apartment. (19.4)

Wade's apartment is less a home than it is simply a means to an end. It's a stronghold, as home-y as a fortress. He blocks out all light and doesn't even bother to decorate. All his efforts go into personalizing his digital home because that's the one that counts.