Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'd stopped attending classes altogether when I fled the stacks. (17.165)

Dropping out of school to pursue your dreams—commitment or craziness? Shmoop amongst yourselves.

Quote #8

"It's not about the money. It's about what I could do with it." (18.69)

Art3mis's goals are a little more long-sighted than just making bank. She's setting goals beyond that, imagining what she can do with the money to heal the world. Of course, it all depends on her winning the money. What would her goals be if she lost? How would she have handled that monkey wrench?

Quote #9

A lot of second-tier celebrities and pornographers [had their own OASIS channel], selling their virtual lives at a per-minute premium. (20.7)

D-list celebs and exhibitionist have hopes and dreams, too! And the OASIS lets them achieve these dreams without even leaving the comfort of their own home.