Red Scarf Girl Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Wow. You really scared me, Dad." I laughed with relief. "I know that. Principal Long told us it would be very competitive. I know it's just an audition, but who knows?" (1.25)

When Ji-li's dad says she shouldn't apply for the dance troupe, she's confused and scared. She figures her dad would only say this if he knew something serious that she doesn't—and it turns out that her fears aren't totally unjustified. Her family has more skeletons in the closet than she realizes.

Quote #2

None of the other three students passed the audition, but this did not make me feel better. It had not been just an audition for me. I was afraid that the rest of my life would not be what I had imagined. (1.78)

Check out how Ji-li describes the heartache she feels after not getting the dance troupe position. It's not just about becoming a performer, she's bummed she doesn't know what the rest of her life will look like now. Before you go calling Ji-li dramatic, consider this: She's worried that things won't turn out the way she's always planned.

Quote #3

I was bored, but I never stopped being frightened. I worried about Dad, I worried about Grandma. I worried about An Yi's mother, too. (9.3)

Poor Ji-li is scared pretty much all the time. Not only is she worried about what might happen at school, she also frets over her family. It's clear she cares a lot about her brood, which is why she's so frightened for them all the time.