Red Scarf Girl Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was happy because I was always loved and respected. I was proud because I was able to excel and always expected to succeed. I was trusting, too. (P.4)

Ji-li isn't jaded because she's never really been lied to (that she knows of), so she readily accepts whatever people tell her because she automatically assumes it's the truth. This gets her into trouble when it comes to the four olds because she too easily buys everything the Red Guards preach.

Quote #2

Until now I had never doubted that I could achieve anything I wanted. The future had been full of infinite possibilities. Now I was no longer sure that was still true. (1.79)

Nothing makes sense to Ji-li after she has to ditch the Liberation dance troupe try-outs. She's devastated and worries that her whole future is down the toilet, plus she questions whether her family has been lying to her all these years. For the first time, she's not sure if she can trust them any more.

Quote #3

How could they say these things? How could they say them? A relationship between Teacher Ke and me? It's all lies." My voice was hoarse. "It… it… it's so unfair. (3.53)

Just because Ji-li wouldn't lie in a da-zi-bao doesn't mean other people won't. She's shocked when one is written about her and a teacher, not only because it's not true, but also because she expects people to tell the truth. Is that too much to ask? She hates that the Revolution brings out the liar in people.