Remember Resources


BYU Rossetti

Check out lots of great stuff on exhibit at Brigham Young University.

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Here's a library collection that contains lots of Christina Rossetti autographed manuscripts.

The Pre-Raphaelites

Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the ninja turtle Raphael.

Dante's Sister

Here's a hypermedia site dedicated to Christina Rossetti's equally famous brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.


Animated Reading

This is a pretty little animation, that's for sure.

Text n' Pics

This is for those who like to see the text while it is being read.


Choir Version

We think this choir's rendition of "Remember" is just beautiful.


Here's another, more straightforward reading.


Pensive Christina

We think she looks elegant and pretty in this one.

Rossetti the Model

Check out this painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti called "The Girlhood of Mary Virgin," for which Christina Rossetti sat.

Checkers with the Rossettis

Here's a photo of Christina Rossetti with two of her siblings (Dante Gabriel and Maria) and her mother. Why doesn't anybody look happy in this pic?

Articles and Interviews

Death as Release (Hooray?)

Here's a short article from Victorian Web about death and pain in Rossetti's poetry.


Penguin Rossetti

We do love our Penguin classics.

The Culture of Christina Rossetti

There's got to be lots of interesting stuff in here.

Movies & TV

Only in England

Here's a miniseries devoted to Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.