Reservoir Dogs Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Reservoir Dogs? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who besides Mr. Pink doesn't like his codename?

Mr. Blonde; he thinks it makes him sound stupid.
Nice Guy Eddie; he wants to be Tough Guy Eddie.
Mr. White; it makes him sound old.
Mr. Brown; it makes him think of poop.
Q. Which character doesn't get his own "chapter?"

Mr. Blonde
Mr. Brown
Mr. Pink
Mr. Orange, because dying men tell no tales (except in Shakespeare where they get extended monologues)
Q. Who's the only character never concerned about the rat problem?

Mr. Blonde
Mr. White
Mr. Pink
Q. Who are the only two characters who lie during the film?

Joe and Nice Guy Eddie
Mr. Orange and Marvin Nash
Mr. Orange and Holdaway
Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown
Q. Mr. Blonde is:

Out of control
All of the above; seriously, all of the above.