Reservoir Dogs Resources


Where it All Went Down

Check out this webpage with descriptions and pictures of the various filming locations used on the movie. RIP warehouse, you will be missed.

Shop Till You Drop

You know a movie's a cult classic (or a Disney blockbuster) when you can buy the iPhone case and coffee mug.

It's a Small World After All

HuffPost takes you inside the mystically interrelated world of all of Tarantino's films.


Too Crazy for Killarney

Actor Michael Fassbender staged a live theater version of Dogs in his hometown of Killarney, Ireland in 1995. He was eighteen years old at the time. The idea was to give the box office receipts to charity, but because of the film's reputation, no one wanted to take the money.

Reservoir Redux

In 2012, director Jason Reitman produced a live reading of the script with an all black cast. It got rave reviews.

Reservoir Games

In 2006, a Reservoir Dogs video game was released. Gamestop called it "neither a good action game on its own merits, nor quality fan service, Reservoir Dogs is an out and out failure." Oh. Maybe we should return the PS4 we just bought.

Articles and Interviews

You Haven't Answered My Question

The always fast paced, excitable Tarantino gives us the lowdown on various casting and directing things, plus a little background on himself and the film's journey from conception to production.

Tarantino Explains It All

Robert Rodrigues interviews Tarantino about everything. Well, almost everything. The rest is in Volume 2.

Talking Torture

Michael Madsen discusses that gruesome scene, among other things.


The Reservoir Dogs Reservoir

A giant, three-hour long video with all sorts of miscellaneous goodies. It's quite the trek to sit through the whole thing, but we recommend checking out the interviews with the actors, the deleted scenes, and the "securing the shot". Check out the time stamps below the video for easy navigation.

Rehearsal Dogs

Check out these scenes of Buscemi and Tarantino practicing some lines. It's fun to go back and forth and note what changes were made in the dialogue and how Keitel's delivery differs from Tarantino's.

Reservoir… Bunnies?

This is an ultra-condensed version of Reservoir Dogs, with bunnies. It pretty much nails it. You don't need to even see the movie at all. Why bunnies? Why not bunnies?

Torturous Tunes

Tarantino thought that "Stuck in the Middle with You" was the perfect song to accompany torture, and apparently so does Vic Vega. You can't play a radio song on repeat, though (unless it's Taylor Swift), which old Mr. Blonde learns the hard way.

The Most Coveted Pseudonym

While Mr. Pink wasn't too happy about his name selection, we think it's an awesome name. The Lisbon Gay and Lesbian Film Festival does too.

Lou Scannon on the Job

A spot-on comedic parody of the hiring and planning process for the job where Mr. Blonde is "Lou Scannon" who, in case you couldn't tell by his name (say it fast), is a bit of a wild card.

When Bad Luck Goes Bad

Here's a rare deleted scene not found anywhere else. You'll get some insight into Joe's and Mr. White's past that might just change how you view the entire movie.


Blood Brothers

No explanation necessary.

Every Dog has His Color

It's not a black suit and skinny tie, but get the tee and you'll attract other Dogs fans.


Who knew minimalism could be so exciting? Reservoir Dogs is a couple images down, but check out all of them while you're there. It's especially fun to cover up the title and see if you can guess what movie it is… it's not easy.

It's a Dog Meet Dog World

What if our goodfellas were replaced by everyone's favorite pooches? Sorry Clifford, there is no Mr. Red… unless you count Mr. Orange (who was pretty red for most of the movie).

Reservoir Ducks

Anaheim Ducks goalie Frederik Andersen is a fan.