Isolation Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The only friends you'll have are the ones you buy!" (1.42)

Jack likes to teases Tom about the solitary life of a Spook. But sadly, he's telling the truth. Although Tom and Alice are friends at the end, you could argue that Tom bought her friendship with loyalty—he saved her life. However, isn't that true for all friends?

Quote #2

"Nobody wants to go anywhere near a spook. I'll have no friends. I'll be lonely all the time." [...] "You'll be busy all the time. Busy learning new things. You'll have no time to feel lonely." (1.70-1.71)

Tom's Mam has an interesting counterpoint for Tom's loneliness argument. Is loneliness just a state of mind? If you keep yourself busy, can you keep loneliness at bay? If loneliness falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it... Oh, sorry, we got a little distracted for a moment there.

Quote #3

"We're needed but rarely welcomed, and some places are worse than others." (3.5)

Being the Spook's apprentice sounds a little like being the guy who rides on the back of the garbage truck. Essential, but not exactly a glamorous job. However, these dirty jobs are often the jobs that most need doing.