The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Themes

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Themes


Lieutenant Cable was right: You've got to be taught to hate and fear.It'll come as no surprise to most readers of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich that Adolf Hitler had a burning hatred for peo...


War! What is it good for? According to Shirer, it's good for glory, for culling the weak from the strong, and for keeping a nation fit and on its toes. No, wait... those weren't Shirer's ideas abou...


Remember that scene in Footloose when a group of fanatic community members starts burning books? One of the reasons why the Reverend reacts with horror is because book burnings in a post-WWII era i...

Foolishness and Folly

You could think of the whole Nazi enterprise as a national folly where an entire country lost its mind and allowed itself to be fooled into believing that a raving lunatic could restore their lost...

Sexuality and Sexual Identity

Among the controversial elements of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is Shirer's obvious revulsion for homosexuality. Gay men in particular are characterized as "perverts," "abnormals," and "cr...

Lies and Deceit

You can't read two pages of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich without running across lies, lies, and more lies. Pants-On-Fire lies. Hitler and his propaganda minister Goebbels were experts of wh...

Society and Class

What separates a human society from a flock of sheep or a herd of cattle? According to Shirer, not a whole lot—at least, not if the human society in question is the one that flourished in Nazi Ge...


It's an inspiring, up-by-the-bootstraps tale of a young Austrian "vagabond" whose dreams and ambition brought him higher than anyone around him could've have imagined. It might have been a feel-goo...


Check out Bernie Sanders' campaign rally playlist. It's all about the revolution. The transformation of society. All politicians talk revolution at some point. After all, if nothing needs changing,...