Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does King choose to tell the story through Red rather than Andy? What does he accomplish, in narrative terms, if we heard it all from Andy?
  2. Why doesn't King frame this story as a prison break from the beginning? Would it be more interesting if we were told what Andy's doing from the start?
  3. What's the point of having multiple wardens overseeing the prison during Andy's stay? What does it add to the story?
  4. How important is the postscript, where Red tells us that he's free? How does including this information as a postscript make the story different than if he'd escaped with Andy?
  5. What symbols does King use to evoke hope? Are they what you'd expect those kinds of symbols to be? Why or why not?