Tools of Characterization

Tools of Characterization

Characterization in The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Richard O'Brien chose the names "Brad" and "Janet" because "those names seemed to exemplify a clean-cut, boy-girl relationship." (Source)

They're basically the Noah and Emma of the 1970s. Eddie is another name that feels like a throwback. If he weren't a zombie, he'd be a cast member on Happy Days. But considering Happy Days had an alien character, a zombie wouldn't be too weird for that show.

By contrast, the names of the characters inside the house are way, way outside the realm of normal.

BRAD: You're a hot dog, but you better not try to hurt her, Frank Furter.

Frank's name is a cheap Frankenstein parody. Magenta and Columbia are far-out names for a couple of far-out gals—one who is so far out she's from outer space. And Riff Raff always feels left out, as if he's just a piece of garbage. That's why he turns the tables on Frank and decides to take out the trash…with a laser.


This movie features two characters that are scientists…of a sort.

Dr. Scott is your not-so-typical mad scientist. Let us repeat; he is a scientist who believes in aliens. He's like Fox Mulder, but crazy. The fact that he turns out to be right—Frank and the gang are aliens—is irrelevant. His character parodies the fact that sometimes the good scientist is just as daffy as the mad one.

Type of Being

Many people relate to these unique characters, and they feel a kinship with people who aren't afraid to let their freak flag fly. But the movie doesn't let the viewer accept these people as friends. In an ironic twist, the characters turn out to be aliens. So if you're a weirdo on Earth, you'll have to look harder to find companionship. Or save up for a spaceship to fly to the planet Transsexual.