Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Stacey took one handle of her heavy black satchel and I took the other. Christopher-Jean and Little Man each took one of her hands, and we started across the lawn. (8.113)

Check out how the family literally carries the load for Mama after she's fired. They comfort her with their presence and support, so sharing her burden is both literal and figurative.

Quote #8

"I ain't never had no children of my own. I think sometimes if I had, I'd've wanted a son and daughter just like you and Mr. Logan . . . and grandbabies like these babies of yours . . ." (10.76)

Okay, this makes us kind of sad for Mr. Morrison. Why do you think he doesn't have a wife or kids? What do we know about his family history?

Quote #9

[The revival] was the year's only planned social event, disrupting the humdrum of everyday country life. Teenagers courted openly, adults met with relatives and friends they had not seen since the previous year's "big meeting," and children ran almost free. (10.141)

Courting openly! Kids these days! Seriously, though: remember that people couldn't just jump into their cars and go wherever they wanted, and most people didn't have the money to throw parties. Why do you think the revival meeting is the major social event of the year? Do you think this community gets other opportunities to socialize like this? What might be some reasons that they do not?