Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

As he reached the door, I cried after him, "Merry Christmas, Jeremy!' Jeremy looked back and smiled shyly. "Merry Christmas to y'all too." (7.92)

You've heard of the "Christmas spirit," right? (And no...we don't mean these Christmas spirits.) Well, after initially dissing Jeremy when he shows up bearing gifts, Cassie chills out a bit and wishes him a Merry Christmas. Check out the "Friendship" section to learn more about why a possible friendship with Jeremy is complicated.

Quote #8

"Good for you, Cassie," replied Lillian Jean enthusiastically. "God'll bless you for it."

"You think so?"

"Why, of course!' she exclaimed. "God wants all his children to do what's right." (8.10-12)

Sorry, Lillian Jean, but you're not God's mouthpiece. It's clear that her idea of what God wants is very different from what is likely taught in most churches. Here, "what's right" seems to mean whatever Lillian Jean happens to think is right at any given time (or what the corrupt Southern whites during this time thought was right).

Quote #9

"You know the Bible says you're s'pose to forgive these things […] But the way I see it, the Bible didn't mean for you to be no fool." (8.34, 38)

Papa is certainly no one's fool, and he's trying to get Cassie to understand A Major Point here. Jesus may have said to "turn the other cheek," but he didn't mean that you should let someone step all over you. There are times when you have to take a stand—and Papa's trying to teach Cassie when that is appropriate (and when it's not worth it, like in the situation with Lillian Jean).