The Home Quotes in Room

How we cite our quotes: [Part.Paragraph]

Quote #1

"I'm from somewhere else, like [Alice]." (2.484)

This is when Ma reveals that she used to have a home outside of Room. The fact that a home can be a place other than Room is still incomprehensible to Jack. Heck, Jack can hardly believe that there are any other places besides Room, whether they're homes or not.

Quote #2

"It's the real world, you wouldn't believe how big it is. […] Room's only a tiny stinky piece of it." "Room's not stinky." I'm nearly growling. "It's only stinky sometimes when you do a fart." (2.520-2.521)

Room is a place of captivity for Ma, but it's Jack's home. Because he's so attached to it, he defends Room when Ma insults it… and he insults her back as a form of revenge.

Quote #3

"Let's just stay." (3.246)

This is Jack's response when Ma tries to think of a plan of escape. Do you think Jack wants to stay out of fear, or does he want to stay because Room is home? Or is it a little bit of both?