Room Questions

  1. How does Jack's voice change the way you view the events of the novel? Does it make the events easier to bear, or more difficult? How would the novel have been different if it were narrated by Ma instead?
  2. Do you find Jack's voice to be accurate to his age? Was it easy for you to understand him?
  3. Did Ma do the right thing in raising Jack to believe that Room was the world? Does that make it more difficult for him to adapt in the Outside world?
  4. Will Ma get close to her family again? Will their relationship ever be the same?
  5. What will Jack and Ma's relationship be like as Jack grows older? Will they remain close?
  6. Why is Room only divided into five parts instead of chapters? What do the titles of each part mean?
  7. What true crime stories do the events of Room remind you of?
  8. What do you think the biggest challenges will be to adapt Room into a movie?