Jack Timeline & Summary


Jack Timeline & Summary

  • We begin on Jack's fifth birthday.
  • Most of Jack's days in Room are like any other day. He bathes, eats, plays.
  • At night, Jack sleeps in Wardrobe while his Ma reluctantly (to put it mildly) shares her bed with a man named Old Nick.
  • One day, Ma tells Jack that there's more to the world than Room. There's a whole world Outside of Room, and she wants to go back there.
  • Jack helps her with her escape plan by pretending to be dead and getting rolled up inside Rug.
  • When Old Nick goes to bury him, Jack escapes. He runs into a man who calls the police, who rescue Ma.
  • At the Clinic, Jack has to adjust to living in the Outside world. It's a big place, and very overwhelming.
  • After Jack's Ma appears on a TV talk show, she attempts suicide.
  • While she recovers, Jack stays with his Grandma and step-grandpa, Steppa. They take him to playgrounds, the beach, the mall, and more places to get him used to society.
  • Ma recovers in about a week and picks up Jack to take him to their new apartment.
  • Jack has his own room there, but he wants to see Room one last time.
  • Ma agrees, and they go to Room to say goodbye.