RUR Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Why don't you let me finish my sentences? (prologue.31)

Helena experiences a lot of sexism in R.U.R. In some cases, Čapek seems to criticize that sexism; at other times the play seems to endorse it. Here, Helena herself is criticizing the sexism. Domin is a blowhard who keeps interrupting her—in part, it seems like, because he sees her as an empty-headed girl. Domin's desire for mastery, most obvious in his creation of robot slaves, extends to his treatment of women as well.

Quote #2

We are only a handful of people amidst a hundred thousand Robots, and there are no women. It's as though we're cursed, Miss Glory. (prologue.190)

Who cursed them though? Why aren't there any female scientists? The curse here seems to actually be inequality. Men have created a system in which they are lords at the top, towering over servants and women alike. And then they complain because they feel lonely.

Quote #3

DR. GALL: What kind of help? A theater?

HALLEMEIER: A symphony orchestra?

HELENA: More than that.

ALQUIST: You yourself?

HELENA: Oh, that goes without saying. I'll stay as long as I am needed. (prologue.238)

Alquist is later presented as sympathetic, but here he appears to be asking Helena to give herself to the scientists, as if she is a robot who can be passed around and owned.